I am a mother of four children, a personal trainer, a "cross", "training for warriors", "kettlebell" trainer and an IFBB competitor. I was a finalist of the Polish Bodyfitness Championships. Every day I motivate women, especially mothers. I am the founder of the fanpage on FB "Klaudia Szczęsna- Do it with me" and the originator of the Tsunami training program, which you can find in the NO LIMIT ™ training application.
Six years ago, I made a decision to change my life. I ended a long-term relationship and with two children I started from scratch. I currently have a husband (who is also a professional trainer) and three children, and I prove to women like you that anything is possible, both when it comes to getting back in shape and following your dreams. A few years ago I started working with other women as a professional personal trainer, and now, thanks to the NO LIMIT application, I help women from all over the country, as well as from abroad, get back in shape, based on my experience. I want to show you that after three pregnancies you can do the life form that cross training gave me. I also show that you can achieve success and make your dreams come true and overcome the fears that wanted to overcome me during the almost 1.5-year-long triathlon adventure and competitions in Iron Man competitions.
My name is Klaudia Szczęsna-Rzepecka and I invite you to a joint training through the NO LIMIT 2.0 application